Fruit Makes My World Go Round

Fruit Makes My World Go Round

Fruit Makes My World Go Round

Fruit has been a huge staple of my diet since starting my weight loss journey. When I am hungry instead of reaching for potato chips, or cookies, I reach for a fruit. In the start it was really difficult substituting my junk food with fruit, but it has gotten much easier. I have actually grown to enjoy certain fruits that I didn’t like much in the past. Honestly, I used to hate red apples. I would much rather have a green apple or any other fruit. However, recently red apples have become one of my favorite go to fruits.  This may be shocking to some of you, but I didn’t really know there were so many varieties of red apples. I thought a red apple was simply that, a red apple. Well, was I wrong! If you want to check out some of the different varieties of apples CLICK HERE. So, long story short my favorite red apple is the “Pink Lady”

Now that everyone knows about my apple issues let me get back on track. Fruit is my favorite “got to snack” and no matter what anyone says I am not going to give up on fruit! I have heard people say, “Hey you shouldn’t eat so much fruit because there is so much sugar in fruit!” Well, let me tell you how I feel. Fruit is natural, it’s from the earth, and it’s not made in a factory with millions of different chemicals I can’t pronounce. So, if fruit is going to make me fatter then I guess that is just a risk I will have to take! But, on good note fruit has not made me gain weight and has actually helped me lose weight! This means fruit is here to stay! The great benefits fruit has on the body out weight the amount of sugar in it. But, with anything it’s best to eat in moderation which is what I do. Most days I start out having a fruit. Morning fruit to me is the best. The natural sugars give me energy through my day. I also eat a fruit for my midday snack which is normally around about 3pm. At night I try staying away from fruit, but will pick up a fruit over anything else if I get unbearably hungry. In light of my new love for fruit I decided to make a delicious fruit bowl! And let me tell you something, “It tasted AMAZING!!”


Fruit bowl Contents:




I made the watermelons into balls by using this TOOL

The type of watermelon used is called a, “Sugar baby Watermelon” this is because it’s much smaller in size than your normal watermelon.

Also, the bowl is actually made from the watermelon. I cut the watermelon in half and scooped out the contents in order to make the bowl.

Yes, I realize I talked quite a bit about apples for there to be no apples in this fruit bowl. I just wanted there to be a twist at the end! It’s kind of like a psychological thriller! Okay, I lied, it’s not that intense! (Haha)

Fruit Makes My World Go Round

How fruit has helped me in my weight loss Journey

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Top 10 Gym Pet Peeves

Top 10 Gym Pet Peeves

Although I am in the early stages of my weight loss journey I am in no way new to the gym. Before having my son I actually lost over 100lbs by dieting and working out. (But that is a story for another time) So a lot of my past weight loss was contributed to many long hours in the gym! Honestly the gym was like my second home. Recently the gym has again become my second home. I spend every morning in the gym and it feels so good. I am happy about being back in a routine and spending time in the gym. However, there are several things I have not missed about the gym. Actually, the things I have not missed are directly related to the other people in the gym with me!! I feel that before people are allowed to sign up for the gym they must take a test on proper gym etiquette. Here is a list of things people do in the gym that really grind my gears;

  1. Wearing a large amount of cologne/perfume

Like come on!! Seriously!! Did you have to douse yourself in the entire bottle of perfume/cologne before coming into the gym? It’s hard enough to breath when getting a rigorous cardio session on…I don’t need the smell of your choice fragrance to cloud up the room! Please oh please use moderation when putting on fragrances when coming into the gym! And if you cannot use moderation please don’t workout anywhere near me! My allergies can’t handle your smell

  1. Getting on the machine directly next to me when there are plenty of the same machines available!

Seriously! Why do we need to be so close? There are eight elliptical s and they are all free, but you just have to use the one right next to me! I am not interested in being so close to you!

  1. Constantly looking over at my machine screen.

Okay, so this normally happens with the person who just has to use the machine directly next to me. The person mentioned in number nine. Please understand I am not at the gym to compete with you. I am here to work out for myself. Please stay focused on your workout and on your workout screen. My resistance, calories burned, time, ect; are none of your business. Bye Felicia!!

  1. Making loud animal noises

I get it sometimes those weights can be seriously heavy, but there is no reason to grunt like you are dying! If it’s that heavy maybe you need to go for something lighter! There is absolutely no reason I should hear you grunting over my headphones! Plus you are just freaking people out! Other people in the gym don’t know whether you are in distress or if there is a threat and they should get out of there! Tone it down a little bit!

  1. People who get in the way by staring at themselves in the mirror

Yes, you still look the same as you did when you walked in the gym. All you have done is lift a ten pound dumbbell. Please move out of my way so I can grab a dumbbell! Trust me a muscle is not going to form anytime soon and looking in the mirror won’t make it appear any faster!

  1. People who spend more time taking selfies than working out!

For goodness sake please go somewhere else to take your pictures. I really don’t want to end up in one of your pictures! It’s totally cool if you are taking one or two pictures. But taking pictures the entire time you are at the gym is a little much.

  1. People who make the gym a social event

It’s understandable that you want to speak with others around you at the gym. But, please don’t interrupt people’s workouts just because you don’t have a social life! You can normally tell if someone is interested in striking up a conversation. Also don’t come to the gym with your entire squad and stand around laughing, joking, and being obnoxious. You end up being in the way of people who are truly there to workout. There are better places than the gym to meet up with your friends.

  1. People who flirt and attempt to get dates at the gym

Please stop…..just stop! I have lost track of the amount of times I have been hit on or seen people hit on at the gym! Creepers and flirty people really mess up my workout. They make me want to leave the gym as fast as I can!

  1. People who hog the weight machines.

Dude…you have been using the same machine for like 2 hours now. Please think of other people around you who may be interested in using that machine. Using a cardio machine for an extended amount of time is understandable, but using the leg press for more than 30 minutes is just absurd!

  1. People who sit or stand stationary on machines for an extended amount of time while using their cell phone

This is just plain out rude! You can use your cell phone anywhere! Why are you taking up a machine to stand there and look at Facebook! Other people are also interested in using the equipment! Please go home!

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Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups

Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups

Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups

In order to lose weight I have cut down to eating no more than 40 grams of carbs a day. This is not an easy task for me because I like carbs so much! Carbs are filling and they are found in so many different foods. It’s way easier and cheaper to cook a huge pasta dinner than to cook and marinade steak and cook vegetables and brown rice.  For me to stay dedicated to eating healthy and sticking to my 40 gram carb intake I have to be creative. It’s important for me to find foods that are, healthy, delicious, and low carb.

One day I decided to take to the wonderful internet in search of a recipe that would fit my needs. I stumbled across a recipe for “Skinny Lasagna”. At first glimpse I felt the recipe was too in depth and I didn’t want to try it. Then I thought hey what the heck let me give it a go! I am so glad I did! This has been one of my favorite recipes. In time I changed the recipe I initially found to better fit my taste. Even my husband and son love it! My son is four years old and is super picky about what he will eat! Some night’s dinner consists of all of us sitting at the same table but eating different foods. However, when I make skinny Lasagna we are all enjoying it together with no complaints. Recently, I even decided to make this into a meal prep! It was such a great decision!

Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups

My weekly meal prep consists of 2 skinny Lasagnas cups for each day accompanied with lightly sautéed and seasoned zucchini! This meal prep was great! It lasted through the week and still tasted amazing after reheated. If you want to try out these amazing Skinny Lasagna cups I have provided the recipe below! Enjoy!

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Skinny Lasagna Cups
Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Cook Time 20 Minutes
4-6 People
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Cook Time 20 Minutes
4-6 People
Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly oil or spray non stick cooking spray on a standard 12 cup cupcake pan.
  2. In a large pan cook the ground turkey meat on medium. Cook for about 15-20 minutes. Make sure meat is thoroughly cooked and no longer red.
  3. Once the ground turkey is cooked pour the tomato sauce over the cooked ground turkey. Turn the heat down to low. Place 1 tablespoon of the Italian seasoning into the meat and sauce mixture.
  4. Place the ricotta cheese in a large bowl. Season the ricotta cheese with kosher salt and the remaining 1 tablespoon of Italian seasoning.
  5. Place 1 wonton wrapper into each of the 12 cupcake sections. Make sure the center is open so you can place your filling into the Wonton.
    Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
  6. Place 1 tablespoon of the ground turkey meat in the bottom of the wonton. Next place 1 tablespoon of ricotta and then 1 tablespoon of mozzarella cheese.
    Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
  7. Place another wonton on top of the last layer which is the mozzarella cheese and then repeat the steps of placing the ground turkey, ricotta and mozzarella cheese in the wonton.
    Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
  8. The very last item on the top of the wonton should be the mozzarella cheese. Each cupcake section should have 2 wontons in it layered with the meat, ricotta, and mozzarella cheese.
    Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
  9. Place the lasagna's in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the cheese is melted and the edges of the wonton are brown.
  10. Let cool and enjoy!
    Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups
Recipe Notes

In the recipe photos I used a pan with square sections to show the step by step process. This pan can be purchased HERE.

Recipe Adapted from Fitness Food Diva

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Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe

Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe

Sante Fe Chipotle Chicken

One of the most discouraging things about meal prepping is that after having the same meal for 5-7 days straight it gets a little boring. It is important to try and make meals you know you won’t get tired of too quickly. Think of healthy foods you can eat over and over again without issue. Or think of something you really like and if possible attempt to make it a healthy meal.

Personally, I really like Chipotle’s burrito bowls. I could literally eat them every single day without issue. However, the rice in them isn’t always a good thing. Right now as I strive to lose weight I am attempting to lower my carbohydrate intake. I have gone to Chipotle a few times since being on this weight loss journey. I have always requested light rice or no rice but I find I am spending money and barley getting any food in my bowl. So recently I decided to make my own healthy meal prep burrito bowls. Let me tell you something! They came out Amazing!!

In the case that you want to try it I have even provided my original recipe!!

Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe

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Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Recipe
A simple yet delicious and healthy recipe the whole family will enjoy. This recipe is also great to use as a weekly meal prep!
Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe
Prep Time 15 Minutes
Cook Time 30 Minutes
Santa Fe Black Bean Medley
Chipotle Chicken
Prep Time 15 Minutes
Cook Time 30 Minutes
Santa Fe Black Bean Medley
Chipotle Chicken
Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe
Steps for making the Chipotle chicken
  1. Steps for making the Chipotle chicken
  2. In a medium bowl mix the McCormick’s Grill Mates Chipotle Pepper Seasoning with ¼ cup water and ¼ cup Olive oil.
  3. Place the 4 chicken breasts in a large Ziploc bag
  4. Pour the McCormick’ Grill Mates Chipotle Pepper miranade mixture into the bag over the chicken
  5. Make sure all the chicken is coated in the sauce and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or longer. The longer you allow it to marinade the more flavor the chicken will have.
  6. You can cook the chicken in the oven on 450 degrees for 20 minutes. Or you can place the chicken on the grill and cook on direct heat for 5-6 minutes on each side or indirect heat for 20-30 minutes
  7. Once the chicken is done cooking cut it into cubes. My Cubes were about the size of a penny and approximately 2 inches thick
  8. Although 4 chicken breasts were used you should have enough for 5 meal preps once the chicken is cut into the cubes. You can evenly distribute the chicken to your meal prep container.
Steps for making the Sante Fe Black Bean Medley
  1. Drain the can of black beans and rinse with water. Place beans in a large bowl
  2. Drain the corn and place corn together in the bowl with the drained black beans
  3. Add the ¼ Cup Chopped diced red onion, 1/3 Cup Chopped Cilantro, and ½ Cup chopped fresh spinach to the large bowl with the corn and black beans
  4. Gently mix all the ingredients together
  5. The Medley doesn’t have to be cooked which makes this super easy!
Recipe Notes

You can mix the chicken and Santa Fe medley together or you can have the chicken on one side and the Santa Fe Medley on the other. It is completely up to you. Also, you can warm up the medley and the chicken together in the microwave if you make this as a meal prep. Don’t worry warming it up won’t affect anything. It will taste just as delicious!!

For a little added flavor you may also add Guacamole or sour cream to this meal!

Please click HERE if you would like to purchase the McCormick's Chipotle Pepper Seasoning Marinade. You may also be able to purchase it at your local grocery store.

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Meal Prep Without losing your Mind

How to Meal Prep Without Losing your Mind

7 Simple Steps

7 Simple Steps to Meal Prep

  1. Always Plan ahead
  • Know what you are going to prepare for the week before going to the store. I try to have an idea of what I am going to cook one week prior. So, for instance while I am prepping this week’s meals I am already thinking about what I can make next week. I may not decide on everything at that very moment but, I have a pretty good idea on what I will make. When you know for sure what you plan to prepare write it down so you won’t forget.


  1. Make a list
  • Before heading to the store make a list. Be sure to know exactly what you are going to cook. Write down a list of all the ingredients you will need. While at the store try and stick to your list. Also make sure to list any snack items you may need. Before heading to the checkout rundown your list and ensure you picked up everything.


  1. Keep It simple
  • The worst thing you can do when trying to prep is to make an extravagant lavished 5 star restaurant meal. Firstly, a meal like that will have you in the kitchen for hours. Secondly, the meals may not be as tasty the next day. Remember you are prepping your meals for the near future, and not for the here and now. Make sure to use simple ingredients and foods that will last in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Also, pre-cut your fruits and veggies. I use my food processor to chop my peppers and onions with sometimes. Then I place them in a container or freeze them until I am ready to use them

Pre-Chopped Veggies


  1. Go for what you know
  • Don’t try and make a recipe with multiple different ingredients. Try and prepare meals you are good at. Put a few seasonings on your chicken and simply bake it. You don’t have to pan sear your chicken and add rosemary and freshly chopped garlic. If you want to do that, and you are comfortable with it go for it. If you are just starting your meal prep journey take it slow. Go for what you know. Don’t cause yourself to become overwhelmed.

7 day meal prep

  1. Pick a good day
  • Find a day in your schedule that allows you enough time to prep your meals. It’s never good to have a time restraint on your prep time. You may set a goal for yourself to complete your prep in one hour. However, if you cannot complete it in that duration there should be nothing stopping you from continuing. Also make sure you aren’t prepping your meals too far in advance. My rule of thumb is all my meals must be consumed within seven days from the day they were cooked. So, prepping two weeks in advance just isn’t a good idea. You don’t want your food to spoil. I prep my meals every Sunday afternoon. My last meal is normally consumed on Friday Afternoon.


  1. It’s better to over prepare than under prepare.
  • Make sure to always purchase and prepare enough food for your entire week. If you have a five day work week make sure to have enough for for five days. If you only have enough food to prep for four days you run into a chance of “cheating” on your fifth day. Or you will be scurrying around the kitchen trying to find something to throw together for that additional meal. If you over prep that is fine. You can use the additional ingredients for your dinner or for a weekend meal.

7 day meal prep

  1. Have Fun!
  • Meal prep should be fun. It should be exhilarating! I look forward to prepping my meals on Sunday! I can’t wait to see how my meals are going to turn out. I find excitement in shopping for my ingredients and putting them altogether! I find meal prep to be somewhat of an art. I enjoy growing and challenging myself to try new foods each week.



But remember start slow!!

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