Vacation Pitfall

Vacation Pitfall

Vacation food

Last week my family and I went on a mini trip to North Carolina. The main reason for our trip was the death of my Uncle. We knew my uncle wasn’t doing well. We knew his time on this earth with us was limited. It was no shock to us when we received the grave news of his passing. We went to North Carolina not to mourn his death, but to celebrate his great life! We rejoiced in knowing my uncle is no longer in pain, and that he is in heaven with the Lord Almighty!

We drove to North Carolina which was about a 9 hour drive. I knew this trip was going to make it challenging to stay committed to eating healthy. How was I supposed to keep fruits,
veggies, and meat fresh during a nine hour trip? I figured I would just order healthy foods when we stopped to eat. I must say the first day I did pretty well with this. I stayed away from carbs and ate healthy items.

Well…..the next day proved to be a little more difficult. However, my mom was a huge support and encouraged me to workout with her in the morning. I woke up early in the morning and hit the elliptical! It felt so nice to wake up and start my day with a workout. After the nice workout it was time for breakfast. Lucky for us my husband booked a hotel with a breakfast buffet! (Sarcasm) The buffet was my weakness. I told myself that my workout would make up for eating the delicious biscuits and gravy. I was just justifying my desire to indulge in foods I knew I shouldn’t have. Later that day we went to the memorial service for my uncle. After the Fried Chicken service there was food! If you have ever been to an African American event where there is family, you already know there is going to be tons of food.  Well, my will power was gone and I ate food I know I should have avoided.

To make matters worse……the next day of our vacation (Day 3) was my birthday! So, let’s just say that day wasn’t a good healthy eating day for me either! On day four it was time to head home and I was tired of eating unhealthy food. But I made a huge mistake. I failed to plan! I arrived home to no healthy food choices in my house and no meals prepped for the week.  The last couple days I have rushed out the house to get to work. I haven’t eaten food uRoad Tripntil way after 1:00 pm and I haven’t made good choices. However, I know the mistakes I have made, and I know what has to be done! It’s time to get back on track! Today, Friday June 24, 2016 I have started my detox cleanse! I am excited to be back on track!

Next vacation I will pack a cooler with healthy foods, and I will strive to make healthy choices. We live and we learn! Slipping a little bit has only made me more dedicated to getting back on track! My GPS is set back on course. My weight loss journey is still in full swing! I refuse to give up!

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