Top 10 Gym Pet Peeves

Top 10 Gym Pet Peeves

Although I am in the early stages of my weight loss journey I am in no way new to the gym. Before having my son I actually lost over 100lbs by dieting and working out. (But that is a story for another time) So a lot of my past weight loss was contributed to many long hours in the gym! Honestly the gym was like my second home. Recently the gym has again become my second home. I spend every morning in the gym and it feels so good. I am happy about being back in a routine and spending time in the gym. However, there are several things I have not missed about the gym. Actually, the things I have not missed are directly related to the other people in the gym with me!! I feel that before people are allowed to sign up for the gym they must take a test on proper gym etiquette. Here is a list of things people do in the gym that really grind my gears;

  1. Wearing a large amount of cologne/perfume

Like come on!! Seriously!! Did you have to douse yourself in the entire bottle of perfume/cologne before coming into the gym? It’s hard enough to breath when getting a rigorous cardio session on…I don’t need the smell of your choice fragrance to cloud up the room! Please oh please use moderation when putting on fragrances when coming into the gym! And if you cannot use moderation please don’t workout anywhere near me! My allergies can’t handle your smell

  1. Getting on the machine directly next to me when there are plenty of the same machines available!

Seriously! Why do we need to be so close? There are eight elliptical s and they are all free, but you just have to use the one right next to me! I am not interested in being so close to you!

  1. Constantly looking over at my machine screen.

Okay, so this normally happens with the person who just has to use the machine directly next to me. The person mentioned in number nine. Please understand I am not at the gym to compete with you. I am here to work out for myself. Please stay focused on your workout and on your workout screen. My resistance, calories burned, time, ect; are none of your business. Bye Felicia!!

  1. Making loud animal noises

I get it sometimes those weights can be seriously heavy, but there is no reason to grunt like you are dying! If it’s that heavy maybe you need to go for something lighter! There is absolutely no reason I should hear you grunting over my headphones! Plus you are just freaking people out! Other people in the gym don’t know whether you are in distress or if there is a threat and they should get out of there! Tone it down a little bit!

  1. People who get in the way by staring at themselves in the mirror

Yes, you still look the same as you did when you walked in the gym. All you have done is lift a ten pound dumbbell. Please move out of my way so I can grab a dumbbell! Trust me a muscle is not going to form anytime soon and looking in the mirror won’t make it appear any faster!

  1. People who spend more time taking selfies than working out!

For goodness sake please go somewhere else to take your pictures. I really don’t want to end up in one of your pictures! It’s totally cool if you are taking one or two pictures. But taking pictures the entire time you are at the gym is a little much.

  1. People who make the gym a social event

It’s understandable that you want to speak with others around you at the gym. But, please don’t interrupt people’s workouts just because you don’t have a social life! You can normally tell if someone is interested in striking up a conversation. Also don’t come to the gym with your entire squad and stand around laughing, joking, and being obnoxious. You end up being in the way of people who are truly there to workout. There are better places than the gym to meet up with your friends.

  1. People who flirt and attempt to get dates at the gym

Please stop…..just stop! I have lost track of the amount of times I have been hit on or seen people hit on at the gym! Creepers and flirty people really mess up my workout. They make me want to leave the gym as fast as I can!

  1. People who hog the weight machines.

Dude…you have been using the same machine for like 2 hours now. Please think of other people around you who may be interested in using that machine. Using a cardio machine for an extended amount of time is understandable, but using the leg press for more than 30 minutes is just absurd!

  1. People who sit or stand stationary on machines for an extended amount of time while using their cell phone

This is just plain out rude! You can use your cell phone anywhere! Why are you taking up a machine to stand there and look at Facebook! Other people are also interested in using the equipment! Please go home!

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