Time to Workout

Time to Workout

My journey Journal has truly been a continued source of encouragement for me. Saying you are going to lose weight is easy, but actually putting those words in action, and losing the weight is difficult. I have to remind myself daily that I didn’t gain this weight overnight, and I won’t lose it overnight. It’s going to take serious work, and dedication to obtain the results I am looking for.

ThWeight loss Journal work oute last couple weeks of eating healthy has been relatively easy. I make sure to prep all my meals and snacks. Prepping takes a lot of the guess work out of eating healthy. However, getting back into the gym and working out has been difficult. Most days after work I am exhausted. All I want to do is unwind and relax once I arrive home. I don’t want to jump into my workout clothes and hit the gym. That is actually the last thing on my mind. Some people have suggested that I go to gym in the morning. That sounds good and all……but I am not at all a morning person! If I wake up at 5am for the gym by 4pm I will be dead to the world.

So, ultimately it comes down to me making a sacrifice. Which is it going to be a morning workout or evening workout? I cannot make excuses and just not do it. I have to do it. So, going forward every day after work its back to the gym. Back to building my endurance and getting my body in shape. On this weight loss journey being active is a must! No excuses, no waiting!

My Journey journal this week is about working out! I have worked out in the past, but as time progressed I have slacked. Because of this I have placed a quote in my journal that says, “I want to see what happens if I don’t give up!” I long to see the results of my hard work and discipline pay off. The first step is no longer making excuses and making every effort to workout at least 3-5 days a week. It may be difficult, but in the end, it will be worth it! Off to the Gym I go!

Weight loss Journal workout

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