Sunday Strawberry Parfait

Sunday Strawberry Parfait

As a child I remember waking up on Sunday morning to the aroma of bacon and pancakes. My mom would always go all out for Sunday breakfast and dinner. We always knew Sunday was a day for church, good food, fellowship, and naps.

Sunday Strawberry Parfait

As an adult I have not carried on the traditional well. My family still attends church. However, most mornings we are rushing out the house. I don’t wake up early enough to make breakfast for my family. I barely make it up in enough time to get myself ready.

After this Sunday I have made a decision to start changing the way I do things. I want to start waking up earlier. I want to have breakfast prepared for my family. I don’t want to have just any old food prepared I want to have healthy and creative foods arranged. When my son wakes up I want him to be just as excited about Sunday morning breakfast as I was growing up.

I was recently inspired to be more creative with foods when I decided to make a parfait. I was looking in my fridge for something different to eat. I didn’t want the normal cold cereal. I wanted something light, filling, and exciting. My desire for a change is what led me to become creative. After about fifteen minutes of looking through my fridge I pulled out Strawberries and Greek yogurt. I was simply going to settle for throwing the strawberries in the yogurt and eating it like that. But, I felt that was boring so I looked in my pantry and found some granola. At that moment I knew what I was making! It was also super random that I had those ingredients in my house, but it worked out for the best.

Next Sunday I plan on making another type of breakfast Parfait. I am not sure exactly what it will consist of, but I am excited to get my creative juices flowing.

Strawberry Parfait




Greek Yogurt

I didn’t measure anything as I went so I can’t provide a formal recipe for this creation. Next time I will measure so I can provide a recipe!!

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