Healthy Snacks on the Go

Bento Box Filled with healthy snacks

Healthy Snacks on the Go

Having healthy snacks packed and in reach everyday has made changing my eating habits much easier. As I anticipated changing my way of eating I would cringe at the thought of missing out on certain foods. I had no idea how I was going to combat my sweet tooth. However, having my snack box and packing fruits has given me just the right amount of sweet that I need. I was super excited as I walked into the store this past week and saw cherries for sell. Cherries are one of my favorite fruits. Although Cherries are a fruit I know they contain sugar so I make sure to eat them in moderation. The same goes for dried fruit.

This week I made an important change in how I distributed the food in my Bento box. Last week I used one of the large containers for my trail mix. As much as I enjoy trail mix it was just way too much. Also, in my trail mix there are dried fruit, and dark chocolate pieces. These are items I should not be eating a large quantity of.

Bento Box filled with Healthy snacks

Featured in this weeks Snack Box:

  • Celery
  • Trail mix
  • Cherries
  • Apples

* I also carried a snack sized pack of pistachios with me in case I got hungry on the go.

So far this week with my bento snack box has been great! I can’t wait to think of new healthy snack ideas for next week

Healthy prepped weekly meals and snacks

Also, if you would like to check out these amazing Bento boxes or purchase one you can do so here

Meals and snacks prepped for the week

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