Healthy Food Focus

Healthy Food Focus       Healthy Food Journal

I once heard weight loss is 80% diet and 20% workout. I am not sure how true this equation is as I am not a doctor or certified personal trainer. However, I have been in the weight loss game for a while and have found one thing to be true, for me personally. Weight loss is 100% mindset. When I have lost the most weight it has taken place when my mind was focused on making it happen. I have set the stage to ensure I can be successful in my journey. Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you don’t have a game plan and a mindset to lose weight you won’t lose it. The main issue is you won’t stay the course. Small things will detour you and cheat meals will turn into cheat weeks. I only know this because I have lived it. I have fallen into the valley of weight loss failure! This time is different though! Because my mind set is 100% focused on losing the weight! I have planned, and I will succeed!!

This week’s journal entry is some magazine clippings of food. There are also quotes about eating healthy. My official weight loss journey started on Wednesday June 1, 2016. I have stayed on track up to this point, and plan to stay that way. I have eaten a lot of salads and protein. The first few days were difficult, and I had to make conscious decisions to make better food choices. However, lately it has gotten much easier and I lack the desire to eat junk food. This entry just reminds me to keep making healthy food choices.

When all else fails a salad is always a great choice!

Healthy Food Journal

Healthy Food Journal

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