Fruit Makes My World Go Round

Fruit Makes My World Go Round

Fruit Makes My World Go Round

Fruit has been a huge staple of my diet since starting my weight loss journey. When I am hungry instead of reaching for potato chips, or cookies, I reach for a fruit. In the start it was really difficult substituting my junk food with fruit, but it has gotten much easier. I have actually grown to enjoy certain fruits that I didn’t like much in the past. Honestly, I used to hate red apples. I would much rather have a green apple or any other fruit. However, recently red apples have become one of my favorite go to fruits.  This may be shocking to some of you, but I didn’t really know there were so many varieties of red apples. I thought a red apple was simply that, a red apple. Well, was I wrong! If you want to check out some of the different varieties of apples CLICK HERE. So, long story short my favorite red apple is the “Pink Lady”

Now that everyone knows about my apple issues let me get back on track. Fruit is my favorite “got to snack” and no matter what anyone says I am not going to give up on fruit! I have heard people say, “Hey you shouldn’t eat so much fruit because there is so much sugar in fruit!” Well, let me tell you how I feel. Fruit is natural, it’s from the earth, and it’s not made in a factory with millions of different chemicals I can’t pronounce. So, if fruit is going to make me fatter then I guess that is just a risk I will have to take! But, on good note fruit has not made me gain weight and has actually helped me lose weight! This means fruit is here to stay! The great benefits fruit has on the body out weight the amount of sugar in it. But, with anything it’s best to eat in moderation which is what I do. Most days I start out having a fruit. Morning fruit to me is the best. The natural sugars give me energy through my day. I also eat a fruit for my midday snack which is normally around about 3pm. At night I try staying away from fruit, but will pick up a fruit over anything else if I get unbearably hungry. In light of my new love for fruit I decided to make a delicious fruit bowl! And let me tell you something, “It tasted AMAZING!!”


Fruit bowl Contents:




I made the watermelons into balls by using this TOOL

The type of watermelon used is called a, “Sugar baby Watermelon” this is because it’s much smaller in size than your normal watermelon.

Also, the bowl is actually made from the watermelon. I cut the watermelon in half and scooped out the contents in order to make the bowl.

Yes, I realize I talked quite a bit about apples for there to be no apples in this fruit bowl. I just wanted there to be a twist at the end! It’s kind of like a psychological thriller! Okay, I lied, it’s not that intense! (Haha)

Fruit Makes My World Go Round

How fruit has helped me in my weight loss Journey

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