Weight Loss Journal

Weight Loss Journal

Weight Loss Journal

I started my weight loss journey back on June 01, 2016. I started my journey knowing it was going to be difficult. I have started a lot of “diets” and failed miserably. I wanted this time to be different. This time I wanted more than anything to be successful. In being successful I decided that I would need to be intentional. I also need to be prepared, focused, and dedicated. One way I am being intentional is by prepping my meals each week. Meal prep is a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it.

I will admit the amount of support I have received so far has also really encouraged me. Making my weight loss journey public has helped keep me accountable. I not only want to succeed for myself but for all those who also believe in me. I look forward to seeing the results and sharing them with everyone who is supporting me. With that being said, I am excited to tell you that since starting this journey I have lost a total of 33 pounds!!! It’s hasn’t been easy but it’s been so worth it. There were days that I totally fell off track. But, I worked hard the next day to get back on track. I am learning how to prevent turning a cheat meal into a cheat week. Whenever I want to reach for an unhealthy food item I just think about how far I have come.

Weight Loss Journal

I still have a lot more weight to lose but I am closer now than when I first started. In order to really see my weight loss I decided to create a journey journal page to track it. Each month I calculate my total weight loss and track it by moving the gems from the “pounds to lose” jar to the “pounds lost” jar.  The jars are chalk friendly so I am able write the number of pounds lost in the jar. I find so much satisfaction in moving the gems to the “pounds lost” jar. I am able to visually see how many pounds I have actually lost!

Weight Loss Journal

In this photo you can see where the gems were pealed off the “pounds to lose” side. Its so nice being able to see my progress this way. The pounds are vanishing!!

Weight Loss Journal

33 pounds down and it feels so good! I feel even more confident about my ability to lose more!

If you would like to make this weight loss journal, or are interested in the chalk board mason jars I purchased mine at Michael’s Craft Store


Weight Loss Journal

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Time to Workout

Time to Workout

My journey Journal has truly been a continued source of encouragement for me. Saying you are going to lose weight is easy, but actually putting those words in action, and losing the weight is difficult. I have to remind myself daily that I didn’t gain this weight overnight, and I won’t lose it overnight. It’s going to take serious work, and dedication to obtain the results I am looking for.

ThWeight loss Journal work oute last couple weeks of eating healthy has been relatively easy. I make sure to prep all my meals and snacks. Prepping takes a lot of the guess work out of eating healthy. However, getting back into the gym and working out has been difficult. Most days after work I am exhausted. All I want to do is unwind and relax once I arrive home. I don’t want to jump into my workout clothes and hit the gym. That is actually the last thing on my mind. Some people have suggested that I go to gym in the morning. That sounds good and all……but I am not at all a morning person! If I wake up at 5am for the gym by 4pm I will be dead to the world.

So, ultimately it comes down to me making a sacrifice. Which is it going to be a morning workout or evening workout? I cannot make excuses and just not do it. I have to do it. So, going forward every day after work its back to the gym. Back to building my endurance and getting my body in shape. On this weight loss journey being active is a must! No excuses, no waiting!

My Journey journal this week is about working out! I have worked out in the past, but as time progressed I have slacked. Because of this I have placed a quote in my journal that says, “I want to see what happens if I don’t give up!” I long to see the results of my hard work and discipline pay off. The first step is no longer making excuses and making every effort to workout at least 3-5 days a week. It may be difficult, but in the end, it will be worth it! Off to the Gym I go!

Weight loss Journal workout

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Healthy Food Focus

Healthy Food Focus       Healthy Food Journal

I once heard weight loss is 80% diet and 20% workout. I am not sure how true this equation is as I am not a doctor or certified personal trainer. However, I have been in the weight loss game for a while and have found one thing to be true, for me personally. Weight loss is 100% mindset. When I have lost the most weight it has taken place when my mind was focused on making it happen. I have set the stage to ensure I can be successful in my journey. Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you don’t have a game plan and a mindset to lose weight you won’t lose it. The main issue is you won’t stay the course. Small things will detour you and cheat meals will turn into cheat weeks. I only know this because I have lived it. I have fallen into the valley of weight loss failure! This time is different though! Because my mind set is 100% focused on losing the weight! I have planned, and I will succeed!!

This week’s journal entry is some magazine clippings of food. There are also quotes about eating healthy. My official weight loss journey started on Wednesday June 1, 2016. I have stayed on track up to this point, and plan to stay that way. I have eaten a lot of salads and protein. The first few days were difficult, and I had to make conscious decisions to make better food choices. However, lately it has gotten much easier and I lack the desire to eat junk food. This entry just reminds me to keep making healthy food choices.

When all else fails a salad is always a great choice!

Healthy Food Journal

Healthy Food Journal

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My Journey Journal

My Journey Journal - I am Fitnessa     One of my largest struggles in losing weight is staying motivated. I tend to crack under pressure easily. I also let my mood dictate what I am going to eat. I admit it I am an emotional eater. If I have a rough day at work or even if I am in a celebratory mood I want to eat junk food. If my day is basic and normal I am easily able to stay focused and stay on track.

I was desperate to find something to help me stay motivated to eating healthy. I needed that one thing to aide me in conquering my emotional eating habits. So I decided recently to start a weight loss journal. I call it my “Journey Journal” also known to others as a smash book.My Journey Journal - I am Fitnessa

Every day when I arrive home from work I create a new page in my journal. This helps me to unwind and de-stress. I can also refer back to my previous pages for motivation. Most pages are just magazine clippings and cute designs. I also add some motivational quotes to keep me on track. I hope to stay dedicated to creating new pages in my journal. I also hope you enjoy checking out my journal pages each week!!



Weight loss Journey Journal

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