Cranberry Chicken Salad

Cranberry Chicken Salad

Cranberry Chicken Salad

Growing up my mom would buy canned chunk chicken and make chicken salad with it. Most times the chicken salad would be nicely stuffed in a halved pita bread pocket. As simple as the meal was I absolutely loved it. As I have gotten older I still love this simple meal just as much. Although, I have made some little changes to enhance some of the flavors it was lacking. I also switched to using real chicken breast because I am leery of canned chicken. I mean seriously chicken in a can? That just can’t be healthy!

Cranberry Chicken Salad

The changes I made to the basic chicken salad are quite modest. I added chopped green bell peppers, red onions, and Crasins (which are just dried cranberries). The craisins provide that little hint of sweetness to the chicken salad. I still accompany my chicken salad with pita bread. I also add a mixture of lettuce and spinach.

Cranberry Chicken Salad

There are so many different variations of chicken salad out there, but this is how I enjoy mine. I hope you also enjoy it!

And one last thing…..this meal makes a very good lunch meal prep. You don’t even have to worry about heating it up. You can take it straight out the fridge and consume it! That’s pretty much as good as it gets!

Cranberry Chicken Salad

The containers featured in the pictures are from Meal Prep Haven. You can purchase the containers HERE from their website.

Cranberry Chicken Salad

Cranberry Chicken Salad

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Cranberry Chicken Salad
Cranberry Chicken Salad
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Meal preps
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Meal preps
Cranberry Chicken Salad
  1. Place the shredded chicken in a large bowl.
  2. Stir the Mayonnaise into the bowl with the shredded chicken.
  3. Place the diced green bell peppers, diced red onions, and craisins in the large bowl with the shredded chicken and Mayonnaise.
  4. Mix all the ingredients together.
Recipe Notes
  • I seasoned my chicken with salt, garlic powder, and onion powder and cooked it in the crock pot. I have found that chicken is much easier to shred when cooked in the crock pot. Here is a recipe for shredded crock pot chicken.
  • You may also want to add salt or other seasonings to your completed chicken salad just for taste
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Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe

Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe

Sante Fe Chipotle Chicken

One of the most discouraging things about meal prepping is that after having the same meal for 5-7 days straight it gets a little boring. It is important to try and make meals you know you won’t get tired of too quickly. Think of healthy foods you can eat over and over again without issue. Or think of something you really like and if possible attempt to make it a healthy meal.

Personally, I really like Chipotle’s burrito bowls. I could literally eat them every single day without issue. However, the rice in them isn’t always a good thing. Right now as I strive to lose weight I am attempting to lower my carbohydrate intake. I have gone to Chipotle a few times since being on this weight loss journey. I have always requested light rice or no rice but I find I am spending money and barley getting any food in my bowl. So recently I decided to make my own healthy meal prep burrito bowls. Let me tell you something! They came out Amazing!!

In the case that you want to try it I have even provided my original recipe!!

Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe

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Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Recipe
A simple yet delicious and healthy recipe the whole family will enjoy. This recipe is also great to use as a weekly meal prep!
Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe
Prep Time 15 Minutes
Cook Time 30 Minutes
Santa Fe Black Bean Medley
Chipotle Chicken
Prep Time 15 Minutes
Cook Time 30 Minutes
Santa Fe Black Bean Medley
Chipotle Chicken
Santa Fe Chipotle Chicken Bowl Recipe
Steps for making the Chipotle chicken
  1. Steps for making the Chipotle chicken
  2. In a medium bowl mix the McCormick’s Grill Mates Chipotle Pepper Seasoning with ¼ cup water and ¼ cup Olive oil.
  3. Place the 4 chicken breasts in a large Ziploc bag
  4. Pour the McCormick’ Grill Mates Chipotle Pepper miranade mixture into the bag over the chicken
  5. Make sure all the chicken is coated in the sauce and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or longer. The longer you allow it to marinade the more flavor the chicken will have.
  6. You can cook the chicken in the oven on 450 degrees for 20 minutes. Or you can place the chicken on the grill and cook on direct heat for 5-6 minutes on each side or indirect heat for 20-30 minutes
  7. Once the chicken is done cooking cut it into cubes. My Cubes were about the size of a penny and approximately 2 inches thick
  8. Although 4 chicken breasts were used you should have enough for 5 meal preps once the chicken is cut into the cubes. You can evenly distribute the chicken to your meal prep container.
Steps for making the Sante Fe Black Bean Medley
  1. Drain the can of black beans and rinse with water. Place beans in a large bowl
  2. Drain the corn and place corn together in the bowl with the drained black beans
  3. Add the ¼ Cup Chopped diced red onion, 1/3 Cup Chopped Cilantro, and ½ Cup chopped fresh spinach to the large bowl with the corn and black beans
  4. Gently mix all the ingredients together
  5. The Medley doesn’t have to be cooked which makes this super easy!
Recipe Notes

You can mix the chicken and Santa Fe medley together or you can have the chicken on one side and the Santa Fe Medley on the other. It is completely up to you. Also, you can warm up the medley and the chicken together in the microwave if you make this as a meal prep. Don’t worry warming it up won’t affect anything. It will taste just as delicious!!

For a little added flavor you may also add Guacamole or sour cream to this meal!

Please click HERE if you would like to purchase the McCormick's Chipotle Pepper Seasoning Marinade. You may also be able to purchase it at your local grocery store.

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Meal Prep Without losing your Mind

How to Meal Prep Without Losing your Mind

7 Simple Steps

7 Simple Steps to Meal Prep

  1. Always Plan ahead
  • Know what you are going to prepare for the week before going to the store. I try to have an idea of what I am going to cook one week prior. So, for instance while I am prepping this week’s meals I am already thinking about what I can make next week. I may not decide on everything at that very moment but, I have a pretty good idea on what I will make. When you know for sure what you plan to prepare write it down so you won’t forget.


  1. Make a list
  • Before heading to the store make a list. Be sure to know exactly what you are going to cook. Write down a list of all the ingredients you will need. While at the store try and stick to your list. Also make sure to list any snack items you may need. Before heading to the checkout rundown your list and ensure you picked up everything.


  1. Keep It simple
  • The worst thing you can do when trying to prep is to make an extravagant lavished 5 star restaurant meal. Firstly, a meal like that will have you in the kitchen for hours. Secondly, the meals may not be as tasty the next day. Remember you are prepping your meals for the near future, and not for the here and now. Make sure to use simple ingredients and foods that will last in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Also, pre-cut your fruits and veggies. I use my food processor to chop my peppers and onions with sometimes. Then I place them in a container or freeze them until I am ready to use them

Pre-Chopped Veggies


  1. Go for what you know
  • Don’t try and make a recipe with multiple different ingredients. Try and prepare meals you are good at. Put a few seasonings on your chicken and simply bake it. You don’t have to pan sear your chicken and add rosemary and freshly chopped garlic. If you want to do that, and you are comfortable with it go for it. If you are just starting your meal prep journey take it slow. Go for what you know. Don’t cause yourself to become overwhelmed.

7 day meal prep

  1. Pick a good day
  • Find a day in your schedule that allows you enough time to prep your meals. It’s never good to have a time restraint on your prep time. You may set a goal for yourself to complete your prep in one hour. However, if you cannot complete it in that duration there should be nothing stopping you from continuing. Also make sure you aren’t prepping your meals too far in advance. My rule of thumb is all my meals must be consumed within seven days from the day they were cooked. So, prepping two weeks in advance just isn’t a good idea. You don’t want your food to spoil. I prep my meals every Sunday afternoon. My last meal is normally consumed on Friday Afternoon.


  1. It’s better to over prepare than under prepare.
  • Make sure to always purchase and prepare enough food for your entire week. If you have a five day work week make sure to have enough for for five days. If you only have enough food to prep for four days you run into a chance of “cheating” on your fifth day. Or you will be scurrying around the kitchen trying to find something to throw together for that additional meal. If you over prep that is fine. You can use the additional ingredients for your dinner or for a weekend meal.

7 day meal prep

  1. Have Fun!
  • Meal prep should be fun. It should be exhilarating! I look forward to prepping my meals on Sunday! I can’t wait to see how my meals are going to turn out. I find excitement in shopping for my ingredients and putting them altogether! I find meal prep to be somewhat of an art. I enjoy growing and challenging myself to try new foods each week.



But remember start slow!!

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Meal Prep at its Best

Meal Prep At its BestMeal Prep

This week’s featured meal prep is one of my favorites. Not only did I enjoy making these meals, but I also enjoyed consuming them. I find pleasure in using a variety of seasonings to make my food savory and satisfying. On this particular day I was making collard greens for dinner and decided I also wanted some through the week. I simply incorporated my collard greens into my meal prep. On this day I also had a surplus of food once I finished prepping my meals. I used the leftover ingredients to make dinner with for that day and through the week. I would much rather end up with a surplus of food at the end of my prep, then to run out halfway through. I can’t imagine having to run to the grocery store midway through my prepping. No thank you!

Meal prep at its best

I once again have two different meals for this week. In meal one there is seasoned baked salmon and broccoli. In meal two there is cubed pork shoulder with collard greens. I prepared the pork shoulder in the crock pot. It was so full of flavor and super tender. For this week I decided to stay away from carbohydrates in my meals.  The featured meal prep only took me an hour and a half to make. And it only cost me about $45.00 for all the ingredients.

Meal prep at its Best I personally know a young lady from my previous job who paid a company to prep her meals. The cost of this service was quite outrageous. She was desperate to lose weight and felt she didn’t have enough time to prep her meals. I understand her reasons for using this service. However, I would never personally do thMeal prep at its Best is. I know I am capable of finding time to prep my meals. I feel we are all capable of finding the time. Also, she advised me the meals weren’t that delicious. I am here to tell you, eating healthy doesn’t have to be subpar. There are plenty of wonderful seasonings you can add to your food without the risk of adding fat or carbohydrates. Lastly, why spend money on food you don’t really like? Meal prep takes time and can seem overwhelming. Trust me, once you get into the habit of prepping your meals it becomes easy! Save your money and enjoy your food.

Meal prep at its Best


Check out my website for more great meal preps! If you can’t figure out what to make hopefully my meals will inspire you!


Meal prep at its best

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Fruity Refreshing Meal Prep

Fruity Refreshing meal prepFruity Refreshing Meal Prep

This week’s meal prep is actually from a previous week. I am posting it this week because, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to share it with you. Most weeks I prepare my meals and use a Bento lunch box system for my snacks. I have noticed some days the snacks in my Bento box aren’t holding me and keeping me full. For this particular week I decided to also prep some added fruit.

The added fruit was so refreshing to have through my week. There is nothing like enjoying cold, fresh, fruit on a scorching summer day. As I prepped my meals on this specific week I couldn’t help but indulge in the fruit as I cut it up. I was so full by the time I finished prepping I didn’t even want to eat dinner.

Fruity Refreshing meal prep

The food for this week was delicious! I stayed dedicated to only eating the foods I prepared. A few of my coworkers asked me to join them for lunch at a restaurant, but I kindly declined and stuck to my meals. At the end of the day it always feels good knowing I didn’t deviate from my healthy meals.

Every week there are new food temptations trying to lure me off course. As difficult as it gets I know I have a goal in mind. In order to achieve that goal I have to stay on the path. Meal prepping is just one of those things have helps me stay dedicated.



For this week I had two different prepped meals.

Meal 1:

  • Sautéed cubed Sweet Potatoes
  • Seasoned Chicken
  • Kale

Fruity Refreshing meal prep

Meal 2:

  • Sautéed Zucchini
  • Seasoned Chicken
  • Quinoa

Fruity Refreshing meal prep


  • Pineapples
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon

Fruity Refreshing meal prep

I am one person who doesn’t like bland food or dried out chicken. I always make sure to season my meat well to avoid this. Currently I prepare my food by tasting as I go. But, in the near future I will start providing recipes. This may help others who want to replicate some of my featured meal preps.

Seasoning used for my chicken is as follows:

  • Paprika
  • Garlic powder
  • Seasoned Salt
  • Onion Powder
  • Grill Masters Chipotle Seasoning

Fruity Refreshing meal prep



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Chicken Fajita Quinoa Meal Prep

Chicken Fajita Quinoa Meal Prep

Chicken Fajita Meal Prep

I have been working hard to keep my eye on the prize and to stay diligent to prepping meals on Sunday afternoons. I find that meal prep has become so much easier now that I am in a routine. I come home Sunday from church I throw my apron on, crank up the music, and start cooking. I feel like the kitchen is my playground! I really enjoy meal prepping. I also enjoy photographing my meals. Taking pictures and being able to share the food I prep with you keeps me inspired and motivated. Starting this website and sharing my meals is one ofChicken Fajita Meal Prep the best things I could have done. I know I haven’t been on this Journey long. However, I feel I have started strong! I don’t have a desire to eat unhealthy foods. And my dreadful sweet tooth is at bay.


Trust me when I say meal prep is easy! Don’t think so much about it! Just do it! Get in the kitchen and start cooking up some healthy meals. You won’t regret your decision. Also, a great tip I can provide is, use a slow cooker to make meat in. This will make prepping your meals even easier. Work smarter not harder. This week’s meal prep took me approximately 1.5 hours that is including the snacks I prepped also.


Meal 1:

Fajita Seasoned Chicken



Chicken Fajita Meal Prep


Meal 2

Seasoned Chicken


Spaghetti Squash

If you would like to make Spaghetti squash, and aren’t sure how, here is a great step by step Recipe


Spaghetti Squash and Chicken


Don’t forget to be looking out for my Bento Snack box post coming in the near future!

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Meal Prep

Meal Prep 101Edits-11Often times when I tell people I prep all my meals for the week in one day they look at me like I said something foreign. Once the puzzled look fades from their face they say, “That takes too long, I don’t have the patience for all that prepping!” I always respond back by saying, trust me it’s not difficult at all.” To be completely honest I also don’t have enough time in the morning before work to try and make lunch and snacks for my day. So prepping is the only way I can stay on course with my weight loss journey and make it to work in time. To all the skeptics I am here to tell you meal prep is quite simple and in the long run it will save you tons of time and money.

Meal Prep

Step One: Think of healthy foods you would like for the week.

Step Two:  Write a grocery list.

Step Three: Go shopping and do not deviate from your list.

Step Four: pick a day during the weekend to prepare the food.

Step Five: Start preparing your meals for the week.

Here is just a sample of a recent meal prep I did

Breakfast:  2 Hard boiled eggs and wheat Round thins toast (Not Pictured)

Lunch: I did variations of food in different containers so I wouldn’t get too bored through the week.

Lunches: Italian Sausage, or Steak green beans or kale and Sautéed sweet potatoes on some days.

Snack Box: I have a bento Lunch system box that I normally pack an array of snacks in to have through the day. For this particular week I packed, Watermelon, trail Mix, Cheese Cubes, and grapes. Check out my snack box (Here)

Beverage: Water, Water, and more Water. I also drink Seltzer water. Sometimes I just need a little bubbly in my life!

Meal Prep

Depending on my day I may not eat all my snacks. If I start my day early and end late I am more likely to eat all my snacks. However, on most days I only eat two snacks. I find that it’s always best to have an extra snack on hand just In case hunger kicks in. The last thing I want is to find myself pulling up to a fast food window because I failed to prepare enough snacks to hold me for the day.

Sometimes thinking of meal prep ideas can be a little daunting. I know when I first started I would have the same thing on a weekly basis because I couldn’t think of anything else. Well, you are in luck. Weekly I am going to work hard to provide a glimpse of my weekly meals. Stay tuned for next week’s meals.


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