The Bento Box of Healthy Snacks

The Bento box of healthy snacks has brought me through a rough week. I spent a lot of time driving for work this week. While on the road I don’t have a microwave. This makes it impossible for me to warm up my prepped lunches. Some people don’t mind eating cold or room temperature food, but I do. This week I had to rely a lot on my snacks. Having snacks on hand made it super easy to fly past fast food establBento Box healthy Snacks ishments. My snacks were able to hold me over until I arrived back at work or another destination where I could warm up my lunch.
Snacks have become an important part of my weight loss journey. I never realized just how important snacks are. I used to eat two very large meals per day. Those meals were most times lunch and dinner. I would never snack in-between. Most days by the time dinner rolled around I would be so famished that I would over indulge and have two and three helpings of food. Snacking through the day has prevented me from feeling so hungry by dinner time. This has overall assisted me in properly portioning my food.

One important thing about packing snacks is ensuring you pack items you Watermelon snack actually like. One healthy snack I don’t like is rice cakes. I will eat a rice cake but I will not enjoy it. So when it comes to having a pack of rice cakes on hand, and a vending machine a few steps away, I am headed for the vending machine. To detour me from death trap of snacks (Vending Machine) I take time in planning out snacks that I would like to have. My Bento box allows me to pack a variety of different snacks in different compartments while keeping everything together.  Now that is convenience at its best! If you would like to purchase one of the Bento boxes featured in the pictures you can do so HERE


This week’s snacksBento Box Healthy snacks

Green Grapes


White Cheddar Cubes

Trail Mix


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