About Me

About Me | Vanessa

Hello old friends, new friends and family! I am Vanessa….

To be honest I don’t really know what to say about myself. So with that being said I am just going to throw some things out there. Sorry if I start rambling……. I have been told by those who know me that I am fun and down to earth. For those who don’t know me I have been told that I am very serious and professional. I must admit when I am around new people I tend to clam up. This may be why people who don’t know me see me as serious. I feel I clam up because I am insecure in new settings. I am always worried about my size and how I look to others. I know I shouldn’t care, but to be honest I do. Through this blog I want to be honest and transparent about my struggles as an overweight woman.

I try and enjoy life as much as possible. I find great joy in spending time at home with my husband and 4 year old son! There is never a dull moment with those two!! I also enjoy shopping, photography, arts and crafts, and playing games with friends, and binge watching shows on Netflix. So, now that I have shared a little about myself, let’s get to the heart of the matter……

After some serious self-analysis I have decided it’s time to get serious about my health and lose weight. I know what it takes to lose the weight. Now I just need to do it. I have to stop making excuses, I have to stop making poor food choices. I need to be accountable for being a healthy mom for my son, and a healthy wife for my husband. And above all I need to do this for myself. I need to love myself enough to care about my health. I no longer want to avoid the mirror. Instead, I want to accept myself and see my beauty right where I am. If you don’t love yourself you will never make the change to better yourself. I am aware of that more now than ever before.  Right now I am fat and fabulous, but watch as I become fit and fabulous! I am excited to crush these pounds that are attempting to hold me down.

I look forward to sharing my Journey with you!!