Fresh and Simple Fruit Cocktail

Fresh and Simple Fruit Cocktail

For this week’s snack box I decided to make a fruit cocktail of my own. I was trying to decide what fruit I wanted to use and I couldn’t pick just one. I thought of buying fruit cocktail in the can, but after reading the ingredients list, and seeing all the added sugar I decided against it! So I figured I needed to get a little creative. I thought of fruits I like and threw them together! Let me tell you something! My fruit cocktail was amazing! So, you may be wondering what fruits I used. Well, listed below are the ingredients and steps used to make this wonderful, simple, and fresh, no sugar added fruit cocktail

Fresh and Simple Fruit Cocktail









The process

  1. Cut your cherries in half and remove the seeds. Place the cherries in a medium sized bowl once the seeds are removed
  2. Cut the watermelon however you desire. I chose to make watermelon balls by using a “Melon Baller” If you don’t know what this is, or you are interested in purchasing on click HERE.
  3. Cut all the other fruit how you desire and place the fruit in the same bowl you placed the cherries in.
  4. If the bowl has a lid place the lid on the bowl and gently shake it in order to move the fruit around. You can also gently stir the fruit around the bowl with a spoon. This step is just to ensure the fruit is nicely distributed so you aren’t just eating all the cherries at one time and so on.
  5. Enjoy

Fresh and Simple Fruit Cocktail

The other items featured in the snack box this week are:

White Cheddar Cubes and Smoked Turkey sausage

Seaweed Snacks

Trail Mix

When I eat my seaweed snacks around other people they are always curious about them. The main question I receive is, “What is that?” and “what does that taste like?” Well it’s kind of hard to describe the taste. I will normally just offer one. Most times people will decline because they are afraid. I personally think the seaweed snacks are delicious! They are also very healthy! If you are interested in trying them they are cheap. I get mine from Trader Joes and pay $0.99 for a pack. You can check them out and purchase them HERE.

Fresh and Simple Fruit Cocktail

The trail mix was kind of just put together by me. I found different trail mixes at Trader Joes and Publix and I mixed them together.

If you are interested in getting a Bento snack box like the one pictured please click Here!

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Meal Prep at its Best

Meal Prep At its BestMeal Prep

This week’s featured meal prep is one of my favorites. Not only did I enjoy making these meals, but I also enjoyed consuming them. I find pleasure in using a variety of seasonings to make my food savory and satisfying. On this particular day I was making collard greens for dinner and decided I also wanted some through the week. I simply incorporated my collard greens into my meal prep. On this day I also had a surplus of food once I finished prepping my meals. I used the leftover ingredients to make dinner with for that day and through the week. I would much rather end up with a surplus of food at the end of my prep, then to run out halfway through. I can’t imagine having to run to the grocery store midway through my prepping. No thank you!

Meal prep at its best

I once again have two different meals for this week. In meal one there is seasoned baked salmon and broccoli. In meal two there is cubed pork shoulder with collard greens. I prepared the pork shoulder in the crock pot. It was so full of flavor and super tender. For this week I decided to stay away from carbohydrates in my meals.  The featured meal prep only took me an hour and a half to make. And it only cost me about $45.00 for all the ingredients.

Meal prep at its Best I personally know a young lady from my previous job who paid a company to prep her meals. The cost of this service was quite outrageous. She was desperate to lose weight and felt she didn’t have enough time to prep her meals. I understand her reasons for using this service. However, I would never personally do thMeal prep at its Best is. I know I am capable of finding time to prep my meals. I feel we are all capable of finding the time. Also, she advised me the meals weren’t that delicious. I am here to tell you, eating healthy doesn’t have to be subpar. There are plenty of wonderful seasonings you can add to your food without the risk of adding fat or carbohydrates. Lastly, why spend money on food you don’t really like? Meal prep takes time and can seem overwhelming. Trust me, once you get into the habit of prepping your meals it becomes easy! Save your money and enjoy your food.

Meal prep at its Best


Check out my website for more great meal preps! If you can’t figure out what to make hopefully my meals will inspire you!


Meal prep at its best

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