Healthy Snacks on the Go Having healthy snacks packed and in reach everyday has made changing my eating habits much easier. As I anticipated changing my way of eating I would cringe at the thought … [Read More]
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Weight Loss Journal I started my weight loss journey back on June 01, 2016. I started my journey knowing it was going to be difficult. I have started a lot of “diets” and failed miserably. I wanted this time to be different. This time I wanted more than anything to be successful. In being successful […]
Cranberry Chicken Salad Growing up my mom would buy canned chunk chicken and make chicken salad with it. Most times the chicken salad would be nicely stuffed in a halved pita bread pocket. As simple as the meal was I absolutely loved it. As I have gotten older I still love this simple meal just […]
Fruit Makes My World Go Round Fruit has been a huge staple of my diet since starting my weight loss journey. When I am hungry instead of reaching for potato chips, or cookies, I reach for a fruit. In the start it was really difficult substituting my junk food with fruit, but it has gotten […]
Although I am in the early stages of my weight loss journey I am in no way new to the gym. Before having my son I actually lost over 100lbs by dieting and working out. (But that is a story for another time) So a lot of my past weight loss was contributed to many […]
Low Carb Skinny Lasagna Cups In order to lose weight I have cut down to eating no more than 40 grams of carbs a day. This is not an easy task for me because I like carbs so much! Carbs are filling and they are found in so many different foods. It’s way easier and […]