My Journey Journal

My Journey Journal - I am Fitnessa     One of my largest struggles in losing weight is staying motivated. I tend to crack under pressure easily. I also let my mood dictate what I am going to eat. I admit it I am an emotional eater. If I have a rough day at work or even if I am in a celebratory mood I want to eat junk food. If my day is basic and normal I am easily able to stay focused and stay on track.

I was desperate to find something to help me stay motivated to eating healthy. I needed that one thing to aide me in conquering my emotional eating habits. So I decided recently to start a weight loss journal. I call it my “Journey Journal” also known to others as a smash book.My Journey Journal - I am Fitnessa

Every day when I arrive home from work I create a new page in my journal. This helps me to unwind and de-stress. I can also refer back to my previous pages for motivation. Most pages are just magazine clippings and cute designs. I also add some motivational quotes to keep me on track. I hope to stay dedicated to creating new pages in my journal. I also hope you enjoy checking out my journal pages each week!!



Weight loss Journey Journal

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